Counseling: Know Your Rights.


   People who are in harmful or uncomfortable work situations sometime require or want clarification on their legal rights and whether what is happening to them constitutes violations of the law. Attorney Butler accompanies injured and/or harassed people through the navigation of sometimes perplexing actions of supervisors and/or Human Resource Departments. She particularly works with people in legally defined "protected classes" involving discrimination of race, gender, national origin, disability, age, sexual orientation,  pregnancy and religious discrimination contexts as well as hostile work environment situations and retaliation claims under a variety of statutes. 

   She can also advise management regarding their obligations for compliance. 

Attorney Butler can analyze whether you have a litigable claim or not. Sometimes this will require more involved investigation. It will save you time, money and emotional capital to know whether your facts arise to a litigable claim or not at the outset. Clients can ask for confidential assessments regarding how their facts would play out in Court and what settlement chances look like and in what ranges.


As Attorney Butler has litigated and mediated a wide variety of cases and regularly attends CLE programs on the latest legal developments she advises both private sector and government employees how best to interpret what Human Resources is doing and prepare them the best possible way to succeed at the EEOC and/or in litigation in pre-litigation counseling. The time to see a lawyer is usually not when the proverbial fan is hit but well before. Often an attorney can negotiate reasonable settlements or severances or change work conditions to preserve relationships should that be a preferred outcome. 

    Attorney Butler, as she is trained in mediation, often prepares clients for and accompanies them to mediations in effort to achieve maximally all client objectives. Creatively solving problems, honoring the dignity of maligned persons, restoring respect and getting optimal Justice is our goal for our clients.